Turning 50 isn’t so bad. “It’s all in how you look at it, right!” or “You are only as old as you feel” I told my son last week, “I remember when my grandma was 50.” And I really do. It felt like she stayed the same age my whole life, which was old age. LOL
I never thought I would think of 50 as anything other than old. Isn’t it funny that when you reach a certain age, your perception of that age changes. Like I used to think 50’s and 60’s were old. Now all of our friends are in this age group and we don’t feel old.
Seriously though, 50 is the sweet spot for me, I think. It’s a place in life where I can be me for me.
- My kids are grown and have their own lives. I can finally do whatever the hell I want and not feel like I’m letting someone down or forgetting to do something important.
- I have a ton of knowledge which I’ve gained through my many years of experience, so now I sound like the wise one in the room. haha
- My career has been on auto-pilot for awhile now and I’m thinking more about retirement than my next move up the ladder.
- My husband and I are not living paycheck to paycheck anymore, although it has been a struggle in today’s world. My husband is almost at retirement age so we can start planning travel
- I can go buy whatever I want and not feel guilty about it.
- And I think most importantly, I’ve learned who my true friends are verses those who only played a role at a specific time in my life. I have only a few really good friends. We would do anything for each other and nothing gets in the way of this friendship.
So like I said, it’s the sweet spot. Celebrating 50 has been a great experience for me so far. I’m ready to celebrate it all year long. Last month, with a group of our close friends, we took an 8 day cruise, which was a blast. On my actual birthday weekend, my husband surprised me with quick cruise to the Bahamas to swim with the dolphins on my birthday. This has been on my bucket list and it was an amazing experience.
While I’m obviously getting older, I feel so much more wiser than I did in my 30’s and 40’s. Life experiences are the best lessons.
I share all of this with you for encouragement to learn and grow regardless of your age. I’ve taught myself so many new skills over the past few years, I even amaze myself. A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a place where I was not learning or challenging myself any more. Instead of searching for a new career (because I was in my late 40’s), I decided to teach myself how to become an entrepreneur. Now at 50, I’m in a great place to expand my business, take things to the next level, and live the good life.